Avoid WordPress Hacking

A great way to avoid hackers is when you install WordPress is to change the table prefix word from wp_ to somethingelse_ because a lot of the hacking scripts they use require this prefix to remain at the standard install name.

Also, add a captcha plugin is a good way to keep annoying blog comment bots out and people trying the same password over and over again.

There is a plugin that tells you when someone is trying to guess your password.

Always use the most current version of wordpress, themes, and plugins. The easiest way for a hacker to get into wordpress is to find vulnerabilities in older code and use a bot to seek out which sites haven’t been updated.

The most common user is the admin user. Never start a site with “admin” as the primary login administrator account. Use something that no one else will guess and do not post as that account. Hackers use scripts that try admin over and over again. Create a new admin account using a different name. Create an author account and assign all the posts to that author account and then delete the old account actually named “admin”.

Don’t be dumb with your passwords. Always make strong passwords using lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and punctuation. Make them hard to remember and don’t store them on your computer. Don’t use dictionary words and don’t substitute numbers for letters like 3 for E or 1 for I because that is the most common way for people to remember their own passwords. This is true of all passwords on your system whether it be your ftp login or your server account.

Author: Geekmom