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Why subscribe to geekmom’s mail list? Because you’ll be so cool no one can resist you!

  • OK actually, you’ll still be cool but you’ll get these great features and no SPAM!
  • Notification of new blog posts.
  • Notification of training posts on video.
  • Notification of new tips not mentioned on the video or the blog. Secrets. Shhhhh
  • Be entered into a contest at the end of the year. Hey, the prizes may or may not suck but you can say “I won this off the internet!”

I update the blog once per week day which means the newsletter will come out once per week day, but it will have more than just the post. It will be a link to the blurb, some tips and tricks, the video link if available and whatever else I can stuff into an email.

Here is what you won’t get:


I hate it when I sign up for a mail list to get business information and suddenly I’m flood with a bunch get rich quick schemes and work at home businesses. While the WAH business ideas and reviews might be included in the newsletter, you will not get 50 messages a day begging you to join the latest and greatest get rich quick scheme or bragging about how much I’m making in this program or that over and over again. I’m not about that. I’m about helping you in business.

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