Using Endorse to Save up to 100% on Groceries

This is a great deal for wahms and wahds. You can save up to 100% on your groceries by taking a picture of items on your receipts after your purchase and then sending it in with your Droid or iPhone using Endorse.

Tomorrow will be my first time using it. I’m just now getting into the whole “couponing thing” and I’m terrible at it. I’m trying this out to ease myself into it. Since I have to get my groceries delivered right now it’s difficult to do the coupon shopping because I don’t think the guy scans coupons at the door. I’m stuck with what Safeway offers. Also, my receipt might not be what Endorse can use. I hope it is.

You can sign up for Endorse and earn up to 100% off of selected items. I found the items I was going to purchase anyway and now I’m getting some free coffee and up to 50% off of dog food and other items. I get it back as cash in my account and cash out when I think it reaches $5.00. Not a bad deal considering with that I just saved $20.00 off my grocery bill that was originally $205.00 and then whatever savings I did at the store. I’ll let you know tomorrow what the grand total was. Again, I really stink at this whole coupon shopping thing. Maybe when I get a car it will make more sense because I can use newspaper coupons instead.

So sign up for Endorse and save (and get paid for referrals too)

Author: Geekmom