Be a Guest Author on Geekmom

You can be a guest author on Geekmom if you have information to share. What I amĀ  currently asking for are articles around 500 to 600 words that help others with internet marketing and social media marketing. These articles should use the typical SEO tactics necessary.

There is no payment for creating the articles except that you are welcome to put your business information at the end of the article and within your author page. This will give you a pretty decent link back from an aged domain name and exposure to other business minded entrepreneurs.

All articles will be checked for accuracy, spam, and content.

To submit an article, sign up for a user account then send an email using the contact form. Make sure to select Guest Content as the subject and then put your username and email address in the body of the message.

Right now I’m posting one article of mine per day and one article from a guest per day. When using the calendar, please make sure that no more than two articles are listed on the publication date that you want to use.

I can’t wait to work with you!

Author: Geekmom